A fixed capacity bitset. This is the default implementation before 20.33.0.
From 20.33.0 the legacy version of etl::bitset can be selected by defining ETL_USE_LEGACY_BITSET.
STL equivalent: std::bitset
etl::bitset<size_t N>
The class inherits from etl::ibitset.
A reference to etl::ibitset may be used to access and manipulate any etl::bitset template instance.
Has a number of extensions over std::bitset. Can be considered similar to an array of bool.
span_type A mutable span type
const_span_type A non-mutable span type
element_t The type used as the internal storage for a bitset.
By default, this is a uint_least8_t.
To change this, define ETL_BITSET_ELEMENT_TYPE as an alternative type.
#define ETL_BITSET_ELEMENT_TYPE uint32_t
The initial state of the bitset is all clear (false).
etl::bitset<size_t SIZE>();
etl::bitset<size_t SIZE>(unsigned long value);
etl::bitset<size_t SIZE>(const char* str);
etl::bitset<size_t SIZE>(const wchar_t* str);
etl::bitset<size_t SIZE>(const char16_t* str);
etl::bitset<size_t SIZE>(const char32_t* str);
The bitset is either default constructed, initialised with a numeric value, or a text string of zeros and ones.
etl::bitset& set();
Set all bits.
etl::bitset& set(const char* str);
etl::bitset& set(const wchar_t* str);
etl::bitset& set(const char16_t* str);
etl::bitset& set(const char32_t* str);
Set with a text string of '0' and '1' characters.
etl::ibitset& set(size_t position, bool value = true);
Set a position to a one or zero, default one.
etl::ibitset& reset();
Reset all bits.
etl::ibitset& reset(size_t position);
Set a position to a zero.
etl::ibitset& from_string(const char*);
etl::ibitset& from_string(const wchar_t*);
etl::ibitset& from_string(const char16_t*);
etl::ibitset& from_string(const char32_t*);
Alias of set.
The bitset is built from a string of '0' and '1' characters.
template <typename T>
T value() const
Returns the value corresponding to the bitset.
T specifies the integral type to convert to.
unsigned long to_ulong() const
unsigned long long to_ullong() const
Functions for compatibility with the STL.
Calls value<unsigned long>() or value<unsigned long long>().
If called on an etl::bitset and the type is too small to contain the bitset size, a compile error will result.
If called on an etl::ibitset reference and the type is too small to contain the bitset size, a zero will be returned and
an optional exception/assert/error call will be emitted.
template <typename TString = etl::string<MAXN>> If ETL_CPP11_SUPPORTED == 1
template <typename TString> If ETL_CPP11_SUPPORTED == 0
TString to_string(typename TString::value_type zero = typename TString::value_type('0'),
typename TString::value_type one = typename TString::value_type('1')) const
Returns the value as a string of '0' and '1' characters.
etl::ibitset::span_type span()
etl::ibitset::const_span_type span() const
Returns an etl::span of the underlying binary data.
The span is ordered LSB to MSB.
Bit access
bool operator[](size_t position) const
Returns the boolean state of the indexed bit.
position is not checked for validity.
size_t count() const
Returns the number of set bits.
size_t size() const
Returns the number of bits supported by this bitset.
bool test(size_t position) const
Returns the boolean state of the indexed bit.
position is not checked for validity.
bool any() const
Returns true if any of the bits are set, otherwise false.
bool none() const
Returns true if none of the bits are set, otherwise false.
bool all() const
Returns true if al of the bits are set, otherwise false.
size_t find_first(bool state) const
Returns the position of the first bit in the specified state. If not found then returns bitset<>::npos.
size_t find_next(bool state, size_t position) const
Returns the position of the next bit in the specified state, starting from position. If not found then returns
position is not checked for validity.
Bit operations
bitset<size_t N>& operator &= (const bitset<size_t N>& rhs);
bitset<size_t N>& operator |= (const bitset<size_t N>& rhs);
bitset<size_t N>& operator ^= (const bitset<size_t N>& rhs);
bitset<size_t N>& operator <<= (size_t shift);
bitset<size_t N>& operator >>= (size_t shift);
bool operator == (const bitset<size_t N>& rhs);
bool operator != (const bitset<size_t N>& rhs);
Non-member functions
void swap(etl::bitset<N>& lhs, etl::bitset<N>& rhs)
Swaps the contents of the two bitsets.
The bitsets must be the same size.