A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove



A binary streaming utility that allows boolean, integral and floating point values to be written and read from an array of
char or unsigned char. By default, values are stored in the byte stream in network order (Big Endian). This can be
changed by specifying in the constructor.

class byte_stream_writer
class byte_stream_reader

Note for floating point
Be aware that floating point representations can change between platforms.
For example long double is 8 bytes for MS compilers and 12 for GCC.
const_iterator   const char*



byte_stream_writer(etl::span<char> span, etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from span.

byte_stream_writer(char* begin, char* end, etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from range.

byte_stream_writer(char* begin, size_t length, etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from begin and length.

template <typename T, size_t Size>
byte_stream_writer(T(&begin)[Size], etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from array.


The following function will only write to the buffer if there is enough room to do so.

bool write(bool value)
Write a boolean value to the stream.
Returns true if successful, otherwise false.

template <typename T>
bool write(T value)
Write an integral or floating point value to the stream.
Returns true if successful, otherwise false.

template <typename T>
bool write(const etl::span<T>& range)
Write a range of integral or floating point values to the stream.
Returns true if successful, otherwise false.

template <typename T>
bool write(const T* start, size_t length)
Write a range of integral or floating point values to the stream.
Returns true if successful, otherwise false.



The following functions will always write to the buffer. They do not check for free space.

bool write_unchecked(bool value)
Write a boolean value to the stream.
Returns true if successful, otherwise false.

template <typename T>
void  write_unchecked(T value)
Write an integral or floating point value to the stream.

template <typename T>
void write_unchecked(const etl::span<T>& range)
Write a range of integral or floating point values to the stream.

template <typename T>
void write_unchecked(const T* start, size_t length)
Write a range of integral or floating point values to the stream.

void restart(size_t n = 0U)
Sets the index back to position n in the stream. Default = 0.

const_iterator begin() const
Returns start of the stream.

const_iterator end() const
Returns end of the stream.

const_iterator cbegin() const
Returns start of the stream.

const_iterator cend() const
Returns end of the stream.

etl::span<char> used_data() const
Returns a span of the used portion of the stream.

etl::span<char> free_data() const
Returns a span of the free portion of the stream.

etl::span<char> data() const
Returns a span of whole the stream.

bool full() const
Returns true if the byte stream index has reached the end.

bool empty() const
Returns true if the byte stream is empty.

size_t size_bytes() const
Returns the number of bytes used in the stream.

size_t capacity() const
Returns the maximum number of bytes in the stream.

template <typename T>
size_t available() const
The number of T left in the stream.




byte_stream_reader(etl::span<char> span, etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from span.

byte_stream_reader(etl::span<const char> span, etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from span.

byte_stream_reader(const void* begin, const void* end, etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from range.

byte_stream_reader(const void* begin, size_t length, etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from begin and length.

template <typename T, size_t Size>
byte_stream_reader(T(&begin)[Size], etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from array.

template <typename T, size_t Size>
byte_stream_reader(const T(&begin)[Size], etl::endian buffer_endianness = etl::endian::big)
Construct from const array.


The following function will only read from the buffer if there is enough room to do so.

template <typename T>
etl::optional<T> read()
Read an integral value from the stream.

template <typename T>
etl::optional<etl::span<T>> read(size_t n)
Read a byte range from the stream.

template <typename T>
etl::optional<etl::span<const T>> read(etl::span<T> range)
Read a range of T from the stream.

template <typename T>
etl::optional<etl::span<const T>> read(const T* start, size_t length)
Read a range of T from the stream.



The following functions will always read from the buffer. They do not check for free space.

template <typename T>
etl::optional<T> read_unchecked()
Read an integral value from the stream.

template <typename T>
etl::optional<etl::span<T>> read_unchecked(size_t n)
Read a byte range from the stream.

template <typename T>
etl::optional<etl::span<const T>> read_unchecked(etl::span<T> range)
Read a range of T from the stream.

template <typename T>
etl::optional<etl::span<const T>> read_unchecked(T* start, size_t length)
Read a range of T from the stream.
template <typename T>
bool skip(size_t n)
Skip n items of T, up to the maximum space available.

bool empty() const
Returns true if the byte stream is empty.

size_t size_bytes() const
Returns the number of bytes used in the stream.

template <typename T>
size_t available() const
The number of T left in the stream.

void restart(size_t n = 0U)
Sets the index back to position n in the stream. Default = 0.

const_iterator begin() const
Returns start of the stream.

const_iterator end() const
Returns end of the stream.

const_iterator cbegin() const
Returns start of the stream.

const_iterator cend() const
Returns end of the stream.

etl::span<char> used_data() const
Returns a span of the used portion of the stream.

etl::span<char> free_data() const
Returns a span of the free portion of the stream.

etl::span<char> data() const
Returns a span of whole the stream.
Non-member functions

Default implementation of the read.write functions.
For integral and floating point types only.
Specialise these to support custom types.

template <typename T> 20.18.0
void write_unchecked(etl::byte_stream_writer& stream, const T& value)

template <typename T>
bool write(etl::byte_stream_writer& stream, const T& value)

template <typename T> 20.18.0
T read_unchecked(etl::byte_stream_reader& stream)

template <typename T>
etl::optional<T> read(etl::byte_stream_reader& stream)



Using a large buffer and processing the bytes at the end

void WriteBytesToConsole(etl::span<char> sp)
  for (auto itr = sp.begin(); itr != sp.end(); ++itr)

std::array<int32_t, 4> data = { int32_t(0x00000001), int32_t(0xA55AA55A),
                                int32_t(0x5AA55AA5), int32_t(0xFFFFFFFF) };

std::array<char, 4 * sizeof(int32_t)> storage;
etl::byte_stream_writer writer(storage.data(), storage.size(), etl::endian::big);

for (auto i : data)

etl::span<char> sp = writer.used_data();

Using a small buffer and processing the bytes after every write

void WriteBytesToConsole(etl::span<char> sp)
  for (auto itr = sp.begin(); itr != sp.end(); ++itr)

std::array<int32_t, 4> data = { int32_t(0x00000001), int32_t(0xA55AA55A),
                                int32_t(0x5AA55AA5), int32_t(0xFFFFFFFF) };

std::array<char, sizeof(int32_t)> storage;
etl::byte_stream_writer writer(storage.data(), storage.size(), etl::endian::big);

for (auto i : data)
  etl::span<char> sp = writer.used_data();