A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove

Cooperative Scheduler

A lightweight cooperative multi-tasking scheduler.
Can be used stand-alone or in conjunction with a messaging system such as the ETL's message router or FSM as the
back-end handler. For use when a complex OS or RTOS is overkill.

Calls an 'idle' callback whenever the scheduler returns true.
Calls a 'watchdog' callback whenever the scheduler returns.

The scheduler makes use of etl::task.


Scheduling Policies

A number of built-in scheduling policies are available.
Note: The tasks are stored in decreasing priority id order. i.e. Higher id = higher priority.


Sequential Single


A sequential algorithm that calls a task if it has work to do , starting from the highest priority task.
On return, it moves to the next task in the list. At the end of the list it returns the idle status.
If no tasks with work were found then the idle status is set to true.


Sequential Multiple


A sequential algorithm that calls a task if it has work to do , starting from the highest priority task.
On return, it calls the task again if it still has work, otherwise it moves to the next task in the list.
At the end of the list it returns the idle status.
If no tasks with work were found then the idle status is set to true.


Highest Priority


An algorithm that calls the highest priority task that has work to do.
Returns the idle status.
If no tasks with work were found then the idle status is set to true.


Most Work


An algorithm that calls the task that has the most work to do, starting from the highest priority task.
Returns the idle status.
If no tasks with work were found then the idle status is set to true.


Custom Scheduler

Creating a custom scheduler policy is simple.
Just create a structure with the following signature and add your own scheduling algorithm.
To get 'idle' callbacks then the policy must regularly return true.
To get 'watchdog' callbacks then the policy must regularly return.

struct scheduler_policy_custom
  bool schedule_tasks(etl::ivector<etl::task*>& task_list)
    bool idle = true;

    // Add your scheduling policy here.
    // Set 'idle' to false if any tasks were run.

    return idle;



Can be used as a reference to all scheduler instances.



void set_idle_callback(etl::ifunction<void>& callback);

Sets the function to be called when idle.

void set_watchdog_callback(etl::ifunction<void>& callback);

Sets the function to be called to reset the watchdog.

void set_scheduler_running(bool scheduler_running);

Sets the running state of the scheduler.

bool scheduler_is_running() const;

Gets the running state of the scheduler.

void exit_scheduler()

Instructs the scheduler to exit after the next idle call.

void add_task(etl::task& task);

Adds a task to the task list.
The task list is in priority order where higher id = higher priority. Tasks with duplicate ids are in insert order.
Emits an etl::scheduler_too_many_tasks_exception if the task list is full.

template <typename TSize>
void add_task_list(etl::task** p_tasks, TSize size);

Emits an etl::scheduler_too_many_tasks_exception if the task list is full.
Emits an etl::scheduler_null_task_exception if any of the task pointers is null.

virtual void start()

Starts the scheduler.



Inherits from etl::ischeduler.


Template Parameters

TSchedulerPolicy The policy to use schedule tasks.
MAX_TASKS        The maximum number of tasks to schedule.


Member Functions



void start()

Starts the scheduler.
Emits an etl::scheduler_no_tasks_exception if there are no tasks in the list.



Inherits from etl::exception

Inherits from etl::scheduler_exception

Inherits from etl::scheduler_exception


Overview of use

As a basic example, you will have to define the following...


For each of your tasks, derive a class from etl::task and overide the two virtual functions uint32_t
task_request_work() const and void task_process_work(). task_request_work returns a value that informs the
scheduler that this task has work to process. The return value should be non-zero if the task has work. This meaning of
this is user defined, it could be the number of messages in the task's queue, or just a 0 = no work, 1 = have work.
task_process_work allows the task to process any work that it has. How much work it processes on each call is user
defined; often it will be one 'unit' of work and letting the policy determine which task gets the next opportunity to
process more.

Task list

An array of pointers to the tasks. Passed to the scheduler with add_task_list.
Use add_task to add additional tasks.

The scheduler

An instance of etl::scheduler with the required scheduling policy.
Initialise the task list by calling add_task_list.


If you wish to get callbacks for 'idle' or 'watchdog' then define callback functions and call set_idle_callback and
set_watchdog_callback to tell the scheduler.
The callbacks may be global, static or member function, wrapped in an etl::function.

Starting the scheduler

The scheduler is started by calling start().



An example of the scheduler can be found in the repository in examples/Scheduler