A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove


STL equivalent: std::expected

A generic result type for returning either a result or an error.
Replacement for etl::result

template <typename TValue, typename TError>
class expected

Specialisation for void result.
template <typename TError>
class expected<void, TError>
Unexpected type
template <typename TError>
class unexpected<TError>
A tag type for in-place construction of an unexpected value in an etl::expected object
struct unexpect_t;

A constant of type etl::unexpect_t which is directly passed to a constructor of etl::expected to construct an
unexpected value.
inline constexpr unexpect_t unexpect; >= C++17
static const unexpect_t unexpect;     < C++17


template <typename TError>
class unexpected<TError>


error_type   TError

Member functions

unexpected(const unexpected& other)
Copy constructor
unexpected(unexpected&& other)
Move constructor.
>= C++11
template <typename TError>
constexpr explicit unexpected(TError&& e)
Construct from argument.
>= C++11
template <typename TError>
explicit unexpected(const TError& e)
Construct from argument.
< C++11
template <typename... TArgs>
constexpr explicit unexpected(etl::in_place_t, TArgs&&... args)
Construct from arguments.
>= C++11
template <typename U, typename... TArgs>
constexpr explicit unexpected(etl::in_place_t, std::initializer_list<U> init, TArgs&&... args)
Construct from initializer_list and arguments.
>= C++11
etl::unexpected<TError>& operator =(const etl::unexpected<TError>& rhs)
Assign from etl::unexpected
etl::unexpected<TError>& operator =(etl::unexpected<TError>&& rhs)
Move assign from etl::unexpected
>= C++11
TError& error() & noexcept
Get the error.
>= C++11
constexpr const TError& error() const& noexcept
Get the error.
>= C++11
TError&& error() && noexcept
Get the error.
>= C++11
constexpr TError&& error() const&& noexcept
Get the error.
>= C++11
const TError& error() const
Get the error.
< C++11
void swap(etl::unexpected<TError>& other)
Swap with another etl::unexpected


template <typename TValue, typename TError>
class expected

Specialisation for void value type.
template <typename TError>
class expected<void, TError>


this_type       etl::expected<TValue, TError>
value_type      TValue
error_type      TError
unexpected_type etl::unexpected<TError>

Member functions

Default constructor
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 expected(const value_type& value) ETL_NOEXCEPT
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 expected(value_type&& value) ETL_NOEXCEPT
>= C++11
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 expected(const expected& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
Copy constructor
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 expected(expected&& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
Move constructor
>= C++11
template <typename F>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit expected(const etl::unexpected<F>& ue)
Copy construct from unexpected type.
template <typename F>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit expected(etl::unexpected<F>&& ue)
Move construct from unexpected type.
>= C++11
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit expected(etl::in_place_t) ETL_NOEXCEPT
Construct with default value type.
template <typename... TArgs>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit expected(etl::in_place_t, TArgs&&... args)
Construct value type from arguments.
>= C++11
template <typename U, typename... TArgs>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit expected(etl::in_place_t, std::initializer_list<U> il, TArgs&&... args)
Construct value type from initializer_list and arguments.
template <typename... TArgs>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit expected(etl::unexpect_t, TArgs&&... args)
Construct error type from arguments.
>= C++11
template <typename U, typename... TArgs>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit expected(etl::unexpect_t, std::initializer_list<U> il, TArgs&&... args)
Construct error type from initializer_list and arguments.
>= C++11
this_type& operator =(const this_type& other)
Copy assign
this_type& operator =(this_type&& other)
Move assign
>= C++11
expected& operator =(const value_type& value)
Copy assign from value
expected& operator =(value_type&& value)
Move assign from value
>= C++11
expected& operator =(const unexpected_type& error)
Copy assign from error
expected& operator =(unexpected_type&& error)
Move assign from error
>= C++11
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 value_type& value()&
Get the value.
Undefined if has_value() returns false.
Not valid for void specialisation.
>= C++11
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const value_type& value() const&
Get the value.
Undefined if has_value() returns false.
Not valid for void specialisation.
>= C++11
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 value_type&& value()&&
Get the value.
Undefined if has_value() returns false.
Not valid for void specialisation.
>= C++11
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const value_type&& value() const&&
Get the value.
Undefined if has_value() returns false.
Not valid for void specialisation.
>= C++11
value_type& value() const
Get the value.
Undefined if has_value() returns false.
Not valid for void specialisation.
bool has_value() const
Returns true if the class contains a value.
operator bool() const
Returns true if the class contains a value.
template <typename U>
value_type value_or(U&& default_value) const&
Returns the value or default_value if has_value() returns false.
>= C++11
template <typename U>
value_type value_or(U&& default_value)&&
Returns the value or default_value if has_value() returns false.
>= C++11
template <typename U>
value_type value_or(const U& default_value) const
Returns the value or default_value if has_value() returns false.
< C++11
error_type& error()& ETL_NOEXCEPT
Returns the error.
Undefined if has_value() returns true.
>= C++11
const error_type& error() const& ETL_NOEXCEPT
Returns the error.
Undefined if has_value() returns true.
>= C++11
error_type&& error() && ETL_NOEXCEPT
Returns the error.
Undefined if has_value() returns true.
>= C++11
const error_type&& error() const&& ETL_NOEXCEPT
Returns the error.
Undefined if has_value() returns true.
>= C++11
error_type& error() const
Returns the error.
Undefined if has_value() returns true.
< C++11
template <typename... TArgs>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 value_type& emplace(TArgs&&... args) ETL_NOEXCEPT
Returns the error if has_value() returns false.
Undefined if has_value() returns true.
>= C++11
template <typename U, typename... TArgs>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 value_type& emplace(std::initializer_list<U>& il, TArgs&&... args) ETL_NOEXCEPT
Create from arguments.
>= C++11
value_type* operator ->()
Class member access operator.
const value_type* operator ->() const
Const class member access operator.
value_type& operator *()
Dereference operator.
const value_type& operator *() const
Dereference operator.