Checksums & hashes
A set of algorithms for producing checksums and hashes from data.
Generic hashes
Type Class Header
Checksum checksum checksum.h (8, 16, 32 or 64 bit)
BSD Checksum bsd_checksum checksum.h (8, 16, 32 or 64 bit)
XOR Checksum xor_checksum checksum.h (8, 16, 32 or 64 bit)
XOR + Rotate Checksum xor_rotate_checksum checksum.h (8, 16, 32 or 64 bit)
Parity parity_checksum checksum.h (8, 16, 32 or 64 bit)
FNV-1 32 bit fnv1_32 fnv1.h
FNV-1 64 bit fnv1_64 fnv1.h
FNV-1a 32 bit fnv1a_32 fnv1.h
FNV-1a 64 bit fnv1a_64 fnv1.h
Jenkins jenkins jenkins.h
Pearson pearson pearson.h
Murmur3 murmur3 murmur3.h (32 or 64 bit)
CRC hashes
Type Class Table size Header
CRC1 crc1 0 crc1.h, crc.h
CRC8 CCITT crc8_ccitt 256 crc8_ccitt.h, crc.h
crc8_ccitt_t4 4
crc8_ccitt_t16 16
crc8_ccitt_t256 256
crc8_ccitt_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 CDMA2000 crc8_cdma2000 256 crc8_cdma2000.h, crc.h
crc8_cdma2000_t4 4
crc8_cdma2000_t16 16
crc8_cdma2000_t256 256
crc8_cdma2000_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 DARC crc8_darc 256 crc8_darc.h, crc.h
crc8_darc_t4 4
crc8_darc_t16 16
crc8_darc_t256 256
crc8_darc_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 EBU crc8_ebu 256 crc8_ebu.h, crc.h
crc8_ebu_t4 4
crc8_ebu_t16 16
crc8_ebu_t256 256
crc8_ebu_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 ICODE crc8_icode 256 crc8_icode.h, crc.h
crc8_icode_t4 4
crc8_icode_t16 16
crc8_icode_t256 256
crc8_icode_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 ITU crc8_itu 256 crc8_itu.h, crc.h
crc8_itu_t4 4
crc8_itu_t16 16
crc8_itu_t256 256
crc8_itu_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 J1850 crc8_j1850 256 crc8_j1850.h, crc.h
crc8_j1850_t4 4
crc8_j1850_t16 16
crc8_j1850_t256 256
crc8_j1850<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 J1850 Zero crc8_j1850_zero 256 crc8_j1850_zero.h, crc.h
crc8_j1850_zero_t4 4
crc8_j1850_zero_t16 16
crc8_j1850_zero_t256 256
crc8_j1850_zero<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 MAXIM crc8_maxim 256 crc8_maxim.h, crc.h
crc8_maxim_t4 4
crc8_maxim_t16 16
crc8_maxim_t256 256
crc8_maxim_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 ROHC crc8_rohc 256 crc8_rohc.h, crc.h
crc8_rohc_t4 4
crc8_rohc_t16 16
crc8_rohc_t256 256
crc8_rohc_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC8 WCDMA crc8_wcdma 256 crc8_wcdma.h, crc.h
crc8_wcdma_t4 4
crc8_wcdma_t16 16
crc8_wcdma_t256 256
crc8_wcdma_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 crc16 256 crc16.h, crc.h
crc16_t4 4
crc16_t16 16
crc16_t256 256
crc16_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16-A crc16_a 256 crc16_a.h, crc.h
crc16_a_t4 4
crc16_a_t16 16
crc16_a_t256 256
crc16_a_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 Aug CCITT crc16_aug_ccitt 256 crc16_aug_ccitt.h, crc.h
crc16_aug_ccitt_t4 4
crc16_aug_ccitt_t16 16
crc16_aug_ccitt_t256 256
crc16_aug_ccitt_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 BUYPASS crc16_buypass 256 crc16_buypass.h, crc.h
crc16_buypass_t4 4
crc16_buypass_t16 16
crc16_buypass_t256 256
crc16_buypass_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 CCITT crc16_ccitt 256 crc16_ccitt.h, crc.h
crc16_ccitt_t4 4
crc16_ccitt_t16 16
crc16_ccitt_t256 256
crc16_ccitt_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 CDMA2000 crc16_cdma2000 256 crc16_cdma2000.h, crc.h
crc16_cdma2000_t4 4
crc16_cdma2000_t16 16
crc16_cdma2000_t256 256
crc16_cdma2000_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 DDS110 crc16_dds110 256 crc16_dds110.h, crc.h
crc16_dds110_t4 4
crc16_dds110_t16 16
crc16_dds110_t256 256
crc16_dds110_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 DECTR crc16_dectr 256 crc16_dectr.h, crc.h
crc16_dectr_t4 4
crc16_dectr_t16 16
crc16_dectr_t256 256
crc16_dectr_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 DECTX crc16_dectx 256 crc16_dectx.h, crc.h
crc16_dectx_t4 4
crc16_dectx_t16 16
crc16_dectx_t256 256
crc16_dectx_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 DNP crc16_dnp 256 crc16_dnp.h, crc.h
crc16_dnp_t4 4
crc16_dnp_t16 16
crc16_dnp_t256 256
crc16_dnp_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 EN13757 crc16_en13757 256 crc16_en13757.h, crc.h
crc16_en13757_t4 4
crc16_en13757_t16 16
crc16_en13757_t256 256
crc16_en13757_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 GENIBUS crc16_genibus 256 crc16_genibus.h, crc.h
crc16_genibus_t4 4
crc16_genibus_t16 16
crc16_genibus_t256 256
crc16_genibus_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 KERMIT crc16_kermit 256 crc16_kermit.h, crc.h
crc16_kermit_t4 4
crc16_kermit_t16 16
crc16_kermit_t256 256
crc16_kermit_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 MAXIM crc16_maxim 256 crc16_maxim.h, crc.h
crc16_maxim_t4 4
crc16_maxim_t16 16
crc16_maxim_t256 256
crc16_maxim_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 MCRF4XX crc16_mcrf4xx 256 crc16_mcrf4xx.h, crc.h
crc16_mcrf4xx_t4 4
crc16_mcrf4xx_t16 16
crc16_mcrf4xx_t256 256
crc16_mcrf4xx_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 MODBUS crc16_modbus 256 crc16_modbus.h, crc.h
crc16_modbus_t4 4
crc16_modbus_t16 16
crc16_modbus_t256 256
crc16_modbus_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 PROFIBUS crc16_profibus 256 crc16_profibus.h, crc.h
crc16_profibus_t4 4
crc16_profibus_t16 16
crc16_profibus_t256 256
crc16_profibus_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 RIELLO crc16_riello 256 crc16_riello.h, crc.h
crc16_riello_t4 4
crc16_riello_t16 16
crc16_riello_t256 256
crc16_riello_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 T10DIF crc16_t10dif 256 crc16_t10dif.h, crc.h
crc16_t10dif_t4 4
crc16_t10dif_t16 16
crc16_t10dif_t256 256
crc16_t10dif_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 TELEDISK crc16_teledisk 256 crc16_teledisk.h, crc.h
crc16_teledisk_t4 4
crc16_teledisk_t16 16
crc16_teledisk_t256 256
crc16_teledisk_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 TMS37157 crc16_tms37157 256 crc16_tms37157.h, crc.h
crc16_tms37157_t4 4
crc16_tms37157_t16 16
crc16_tms37157_t256 256
crc16_tms37157_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 USB crc16_usb 256 crc16_usb.h, crc.h
crc16_usb_t4 4
crc16_usb_t16 16
crc16_usb_t256 256
crc16_usb_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 X25 crc16_x25 256 crc16_x25.h, crc.h
crc16_x25_t4 4
crc16_x25_t16 16
crc16_x25_t256 256
crc16_x25_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC16 XMODEM crc16_xmodem 256 crc16_xmodem.h, crc.h
crc16_xmodem_t4 4
crc16_xmodem_t16 16
crc16_xmodem_t256 256
crc16_xmodem_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC32 crc32 256 crc32.h, crc.h
crc32_t4 4
crc32_t16 16
crc32_t256 256
crc32_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC32 BZIP2 crc32_bzip2 256 crc32_bzip2.h, crc.h
crc32_bzip2_t4 4
crc32_bzip2_t16 16
crc32_bzip2_t256 256
crc32_bzip2_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC32-C crc32_c 256 crc32_c.h, crc.h
crc32_c_t4 4
crc32_c_t16 16
crc32_c_t256 256
crc32_c_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC32-D crc32_d 256 crc32_d.h, crc.h
crc32_d_t4 4
crc32_d_t16 16
crc32_d_t256 256
crc32_d_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC32 JAMCRC crc32_jamcrc 256 crc32_jamcrc.h, crc.h
crc32_jamcrc_t4 4
crc32_jamcrc_t16 16
crc32_jamcrc_t256 256
crc32_jamcrc_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC32 MPEG2 crc32_mpeg2 256 crc32_mpeg2.h, crc.h
crc32_mpeg2_t4 4
crc32_mpeg2_t16 16
crc32_mpeg2_t256 256
crc32_mpeg2_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC32 POSIX crc32_posix 256 crc32_posix.h, crc.h
crc32_posix_t4 4
crc32_posix_t16 16
crc32_posix_t256 256
crc32_posix_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC32-Q crc32_q 256 crc32_q.h, crc.h
crc32_q_t4 4
crc32_q_t16 16
crc32_q_t256 256
crc32_q_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC32 XFER crc32_xfer 256 crc32_xfer.h, crc.h
crc32_xfer_t4 4
crc32_xfer_t16 16
crc32_xfer_t256 256
crc32_xfer_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
CRC64 ECMA crc64_ecma 256 crc64_ecma.h, crc.h
crc32_ecma_t4 4
crc32_ecma_t16 16
crc32_ecma_t256 256
crc32_ecma_t<N> N = 4, 16, 256
The library also includes etl::hash which is a reverse engineered version of std::hash in hash.h
All hashing templates have the same API, apart from the members returning the hash value, which return the
appropriate type.
A hash that requires finalising before the value is read should do it in the conversion operator and value() member
functions. Trying to add values after finalisation should result in an etl::hash_finalised error being asserted.
Construction or reset should clear any finalisation flag.
Hash API
All hashing algorithms supply the following API.
Default constructor
Initialises the hash value to its appropriate starting value.
Constructor from a range. (Any iterator type)
Creates a hash from the supplied range.
void reset();
Resets the hash to the initial condition.
void add(uint8_t value);
Adds a uint8_t to the hash.
template <typename TIterator>
void add(TIterator begin, Titerator end);
Adds a range of values to the hash.
If the type pointed to must be default castable to uint8_t.
value_type value() const;
Returns the hash value.
The hash will be finalised if required.
operator value_type() const;
Returns the hash value.
The hash will be finalised if required.
iterator input()
Returns an iterator that allows the input of new values.
std::array data{ 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5 };
etl::crc32 crc_calculator;
std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), crc_calculator.input());
uint32_t crc = crc_calculator.value();
Creating a new frame check type.
The frame_check_sequence class may be customised with new policies that contain the expected typedef and member
struct special_16
typedef uint16_t value_type;
inline uint16_t initial() const
return 0xFFFF; // The initial value.
inline uint16_t add(T sum, uint8_t value) const
return etl::rotate_left(sum, 3) ^ value; // How to add each value.
inline uint16_t final(T sum) const
return ~sum; // How to read the final value.
The hash class would be declared as follows.
/// Special checksum
class special_checksum : public etl::frame_check_sequence<special_16>
/// Default constructor.
/// Constructor from range.
/// \param begin Start of the range.
/// \param end End of the range.
template <typename TIterator>
special_checksum(TIterator begin, const TIterator end)
this->add(begin, end);