A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove


The base of all memory block allocators. Inherits from traits class etl::successor<imemory_block_allocator>.

Defines the functionality and interface for derived memory block allocators.

The class defines a public non-virtual interface and protected virtual overrides.
A derived class must define these overrides.
Non-virtual public interface

void* allocate(size_t required_size, size_t required_alignment)
Attempts to allocate a memory block of the required size (in char) and alignment and return a pointer to it.
If the allocator is unable to do this and it has a successor, then the request will be passed on to it, otherwise
ETL_NULLPTR will be returned.
bool release(const void* const p)
Attempts to release a memory block and returns true if successful.
If the allocator is unable to do this and it has a successor, then the request will be passed on to it, otherwise false
will be returned.
Virtual protected interface

virtual void* allocate_block(size_t required_size, size_t required_alignment) = 0;
The derived class must implement this function.
It will attempt to allocate a block of the required size. If it is unable to, it must return ETL_NULLPTR.
virtual bool release_block(const void* const) = 0;
The derived class must implement this function.
It will attempt to release a block. If it is unable to, it must return false.
Inherited from successor<imemory_block_allocator>

typedef T successor_type;

void set_successor(successor_type& s)
Set the successor.
successor_type& get_successor() const
Get the successor.
bool has_successor() const
Do we have a successor?