A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove


An intrusive list.
No STL equivalent.

etl::intrusive_forward_list<typename TValue, typename TLink>

TValue is the type that contains the actual values. It is derived from Tlink. Tlink is the link type for this list.
See Intrusive links.

Before 20.37.0 the default link type was etl::forward_link<0>

Member types

typedef TLink             link_type;
typedef TValue            value_type;
typedef value_type*       pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef value_type&       reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef size_t            size_type;



etl::intrusive_forward_list<typename TValue, typename TLink>();

template <typename TIterator>
etl::intrusive_forward_list<typename TValue, typename TLink>(TIterator begin, TIterator end);


Element access

TValue& front()
const T& front() const

Returns a reference or const reference to the first element.

TValue& back()
const T& back() const

Returns a reference or const reference to the last element.



iterator begin()
const_iterator begin() const
const_iterator cbegin() const

Returns an iterator to the beginning of the list.

iterator end()
const_iterator end() const
const_iterator cend() const

Returns an iterator to the end of the list.

iterator rbegin()
const_iterator rbegin() const
const_iterator crbegin() const

Returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the list.

iterator rend()
const_iterator rend() const
const_iterator crend() const

Returns a reverse iterator to the end of the list.



bool empty() const

Returns true if the size of the list is zero, otherwise false.

size_t size() const

Returns the size of the list.



template <typename TIterator>
void assign(TIterator begin, TIterator end);

Fills the list with the values.

void push_front(value_type& value);

Pushes a value to the front of the list.

void pop_front();

Pop a value from the front of the list.
Emits an etl::intrusive_forward_list_empty if the list is empty. If asserts or exceptions are disabled then
undefined behaviour occurs.

void pop_back();

Pop a value from the back of the list.
Emits an etl::intrusive_list_empty if the list is empty. If asserts or exceptions are disabled then undefined
behaviour occurs.

template <typename TIterator>
void insert_after(iterator position, TIterator begin, TIterator end);

iterator insert_after(iterator position, value_type& value);

Inserts values in to the list.
position is not checked for validity.

template <typename TIterator>
iterator erase_after(TIterator begin, TIterator end);

iterator erase_after(iterator position);

Erases values in the list.
Iterators are not checked for validity.

void clear();

Clears the list to a size of zero. No elements are destructed.

void splice_after(iterator position, list_type& list);
void splice_after(iterator position, list_type& list, iterator isource);
void splice_after(iterator position, list_type& list, iterator begin_, iterator end_);

Splices elements from a list into this list.
Iterators are not checked for validity.

void merge(list_type& list);

Merges the sorted elements of 'list' into this list. Merges are stable.
If a debug compile and asserts or exceptions are enabled than an etl::intrusive_list_unsorted is emitted if either
list is unsorted, otherwise undefined behaviour occurs.

template <typename TCompare>
void merge(list_type& list, Tcompare compare);

Merges the sorted elements of list into this list. Comparison functor is supplied in compare. Merges are stable.
If a debug compile and asserts or exceptions are enabled than an etl::intrusive_list_unsorted is emitted if either
list is unsorted, otherwise undefined behaviour occurs.



void remove(const T& value);

Removes from the container all the elements that compare equal to value.

template <typename TPredicate>
void remove_if(TPredicate predicate);

Removes from the container all the elements that satisfy predicate.

void unique();

template <typename TPredicate>
void unique(TPredicate predicate);

The first version removes all but the first element from every group of consecutive elements.
The second removes all but the first element from every group of consecutive elements that satisfy the binary

void sort();

template <typename TCompare>
void sort(TCompare compare);

The first version sorts using the < operator.
The second uses the supplied compare function.

void reverse();

Reverses the order of the list.


Non-member functions

==  true if the contents of the lists are equal, otherwise false.
!=  true if the contents of the lists are not equal, otherwise false.
<   true if the contents of the lhs are lexicographically less than the contents of the rhs,  otherwise false.
<=  true if the contents of the lhs are lexicographically less than or equal to the contents of the rhs, otherwise false.
>   true if the contents of the lhs are lexicographically greater than the contents of the rhs,  otherwise false.
>=  true if the contents of the lhs are lexicographically greater than or equal to the contents of the rhs, otherwise