Memory Cast
Helper classes that simplify the interpretation of memory blocks.
The member functions contain both compile and run time error checks for correct sized buffers.
Error types
class mem_cast_exception : public etl::exception
The base exception type for mem_cast types.
class mem_cast_size_exception : public etl::mem_cast_exception
The exception type when the type size is too large.
class mem_cast_nullptr_exception : public etl::mem_cast_exception
The exception type when the buffer pointer is null.
This class owns an internal memory block, as defined by the template parameters.
template <size_t Size, size_t Alignment>
class mem_cast
The class is parameterised by the required memory block size and alignment.
Member constants
static ETL_CONSTANT size_t Size;
static ETL_CONSTANT size_t Alignment;
Member functions
Default constructor.
The internal memory block contents are undefined.
template <size_t Other_Size, size_t Other_Alignment>
mem_cast(const mem_cast<Other_Size, Other_Alignment>& other)
Copy constructor.
Copies the contents of the source buffer.
Static asserts if the other buffer is not large enough.
template <size_t Other_Size, size_t Other_Alignment>
mem_cast& operator =(const mem_cast<Other_Size, Other_Alignment>& rhs)
Assignment operator.
Static asserts if the rhs buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T>
void assign(const T& value)
Assign from value.
Static asserts if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T>
void assign_at_offset(size_t offset, const T& value)
Assign from value at an offset from the start of the memory block.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T, size_t Offset>
void assign_at_offset(const T& value)
Assign from value at an offset from the start of the memory block.
Static asserts if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
void emplace(TArgs... args)
Emplace from parameters.
Static asserts if the buffer is not large enough.
C++11 or above.
template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
void emplace_at_offset(size_t offset, TArgs... args)
Emplace from parameters at an offset from the start of the memory block.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
C++11 or above.
template <typename T, size_t Offset, typename... TArgs>
void emplace_at_offset(TArgs... args)
Emplace from parameters at an offset from the start of the memory block.
Static asserts if the buffer is not large enough.
C++11 or above.
template <typename T>
Get a reference to T.
Static asserts if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T>
ETL_NODISCARD const T& ref() const
Get a const reference to T.
Static asserts if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T>
ETL_NODISCARD T& ref_at_offset(size_t offset)
Get a reference to T at an offset from the start of the memory block (dynamic).
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T>
ETL_NODISCARD const T& ref_at_offset(size_t offset) const
Get a const reference to T at an offset from the start of the memory block (dynamic).
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T, size_t Offset>
ETL_NODISCARD T& ref_at_offset()
Get a reference to T at an offset from the start of the memory block (static).
Static asserts if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T, size_t Offset>
ETL_NODISCARD const T& ref_at_offset() const
Get a const reference to T at an offset from the start of the memory block (static).
Static asserts if the buffer is not large enough.
ETL_NODISCARD static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t size()
Get the size of the buffer.
ETL_NODISCARD static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t alignment()
Get the alignment of the buffer.
ETL_NODISCARD char* data()
Get a pointer to the internal buffer.
ETL_NODISCARD const char* data() const
Get a const pointer to the internal buffer
This class contains a pointer to an external memory block.
class mem_cast_ptr
Member constants
static ETL_CONSTANT size_t Undefined_Size;
Member functions
Default constructor.
The internal pointer to the memory block is initialised as nullptr.
The size is defined as Undefined_Size.
mem_cast_ptr(const mem_cast_ptr& other)
Copy constructor.
Copies the memory block pointer, not the contents of the memory block.
mem_cast_ptr& operator =(const mem_cast_ptr& rhs)
Assignment operator.
Copies the memory block pointer, not the contents of the memory block.
template <typename T>
void assign(const T& value)
Assign from value.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T>
void assign_at_offset(size_t offset, const T& value)
Assign from value at an offset from the start of the memory block.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T, size_t Offset>
void assign_at_offset(const T& value)
Assign from value at an offset from the start of the memory block.
template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
void emplace(TArgs... args)
Emplace from parameters.
C++11 or above.
template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
void emplace_at_offset(size_t offset, TArgs... args)
Emplace from parameters at offset.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
C++11 or above.
template <typename T, size_t Offset, typename... TArgs>
void emplace_at_offset(TArgs... args)
Emplace from parameters at offset.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
C++11 or above.
template <typename T>
Get a reference to T.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T>
ETL_NODISCARD const T& ref() const
Get a const reference to T.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T>
ETL_NODISCARD T& ref_at_offset(size_t offset)
Get a reference to T at an offset from the start of the memory block (dynamic).
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T>
ETL_NODISCARD const T& ref_at_offset(size_t offset) const
Get a const reference to T at offset (dynamic).
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T, size_t Offset>
ETL_NODISCARD T& ref_at_offset()
Get a reference to T at an offset from the start of the memory block (static).
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
template <typename T, size_t Offset>
ETL_NODISCARD const T& ref_at_offset() const
Get a const reference to T at an offset from the start of the memory block (static).
Raises an etl::mem_cast_nullptr_exception ETL_ASSERT if the memory block pointer is null.
Raises an etl::mem_cast_size_exception ETL_ASSERT if the buffer is not large enough.
ETL_NODISCARD size_t size() const
Get the size of the buffer.
ETL_NODISCARD size_t alignment() const
Get the alignment of the buffer.
void data(char* pbuffer, size_t buffer_size = Undefined_Size)
Set the pointer to the external buffer.
The default size is Undefined_Size.
ETL_NODISCARD char* data()
Get a pointer to the internal buffer.
ETL_NODISCARD const char* data() const
Get a const pointer to the internal buffer
A variant of etl::mem_cast that deduces the size and alignment from the supplied list of types.
template <typename T1, typename T2 = char, typename T3 = char, typename T4 = char,
typename T5 = char, typename T6 = char, typename T7 = char, typename T8 = char,
typename T9 = char, typename T10 = char, typename T11 = char, typename T12 = char,
typename T13 = char, typename T14 = char, typename T15 = char, typename T16 = char>
struct mem_cast_types :
public etl::mem_cast<etl::largest<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8,
T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16>::size,
etl::largest<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8,
T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16>::alignment>
C++11 and above
template <typename... TTypes>
using mem_cast_types = etl::mem_cast<etl::largest<TTypes...>::size,