A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove

Message Broker

A variant of the observer pattern in that message routers and derived types are be able to subscribe to selected sets of
messages. The message_broker is similar to the message_bus, but it provides more control over the routing of messages.
While the message_bus simply broadcasts every message to all subscribers, the message_broker allows you to specify
which subscribers should receive each message.

Derived from imessage_router


message_id_span_t    etl::span<const etl::message_id_t>

A nested class of etl::message_broker
The base for broker subscription information.
Derive from this to define your subscription class.
See Example.
subscription(etl::imessage_router& router)
virtual message_id_span_t message_id_list() const = 0;
Override this to return a span of message ids.


The broker is constructed with an id of etl::imessage_router::MESSAGE_BROKER.
message_broker(etl::imessage_router& successor)
The broker is constructed with an id of etl::imessage_router::MESSAGE_BROKER.
Sets the successor.
message_broker(etl::message_router_id_t id)
The broker is constructed with the specified id.
message_broker(etl::message_router_id_t id, etl::imessage_router& successor)
The broker is constructed with the specified id.
Sets the successor.
void subscribe(etl::imessage_router& router)
Subscribes an etl::imessage_router derived class to the broker.
A subscription object must have a lifetime of at least the same as the broker.
A subscription cannot be shared with another broker.
void unsubscribe(etl::imessage_router& router)
Unsubscribes the specified etl::imessage_router derived class from the bus.
Does not unsubscribe from nested buses.
void receive(const etl::imessage& message)
void receive(etl::shared_message message)
Receives a message and distributes it to all subscribers that have registered to receive the message type.
Forwards the message to any successor.

Override this in a derived class if you wish to capture messages sent to the broker.
Call the base receive function from here to allow normal operation to continue.
bool accepts(etl::message_id_t id) const
Always returns true.
void clear()
Clears the broker of all subscribers.
ETL_DEPRECATED bool is_null_router() const ETL_OVERRIDE
Always returns false.
bool is_producer() const ETL_OVERRIDE
Always returns true.
bool is_consumer() const ETL_OVERRIDE
Always returns true.
bool empty() const
Returns true is the are are no subscribers.


// Some router ids.

// Custom subscription type.
class Subscription : public etl::message_broker::subscription

  Subscription(etl::imessage_router& router, std::initializer_list<etl::message_id_t> id_list_)
    : etl::message_broker::subscription(router)
    , id_list(id_list_)

  etl::message_broker::message_id_span_t message_id_list() const override
    return etl::message_broker::message_id_span_t(id_list.begin(), id_list.end());

  std::vector<etl::message_id_t> id_list;

// Instances of messages.
Message1 message1;
Message2 message2;
Message3 message3;
Message4 message4;

// Custom broker.
class Broker : public etl::message_broker

  using etl::message_broker::receive;

  // Hook incoming messages and translate Message4 to Message3.
  void receive(const etl::imessage& msg) override
    if (msg.get_message_id() == Message4::ID)

// Instances of message routers.
Router1 router1;
Router2 router2;

// The subscriptions.
Subscription subscription1{ router1, { Message1::ID, Message2::ID } };
Subscription subscription2{ router2, { Message2::ID, Message3::ID } };

// Instance of message broker.
etl::message_broker broker;

// Subscribe router1 and router1 to the broker.

broker.receive(message1); // Received by router1
broker.receive(message2); // Received by router1 and router2
broker.receive(message3); // Received by router2
broker.receive(message4); // Received by router2 as a Message3