A set of template classes to enable the easy creation of objects using the Observer pattern.
The observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object maintains a list of observers, and notifies of any
changes. It is often used to implement event handling systems. See the tutorial.
There are two templated classes:-
Derive observers from this class.
Up to eight different notification messages may be defined.
template <typename T1, typename T2 = void, typename T3 = void, typename T4 = void,
typename T5 = void, typename T6 = void, typename T7 = void, typename T8 = void>
class observer
C++11 and above
Any number of notification messages may be defined.
template <typename... Types>
class observer
observer defines a pure virtual notification member function for each defined type, taking the type as a parameter.
The parameter type may be void (20.39.0).
Derived classes are forced to implement these functions.
// An observer type that handles int (by value), std::string (by reference)
// and std::complex (by const reference).
typedef etl::observer<int, std::string&, const std::complex&> observer_type;
class my_observer : public observer_type
void notification(int i);
void notification(std::string& s);
void notification(const std::complex);
This class is observable from a class derived from observer.
Derive observable classes from this.
template <typename TObserver, const size_t MAX_OBSERVERS>
class observable
void add_observer(TObserver& observer)
Adds an observer to the list. If the maximum number of observers have already been added then an
etl::observer_list_full is emitted.
void remove_observer(TObserver& observer)
Remove an observer from the list. If the observer is not in the list then there is no change.
Do not call this from within a notification override.
void enable_observer(TObserver& observer, bool state = true)
Enables / disables an observer according to the parameter value.
The default is true.
May be called from a notification override.
void disable_observer(TObserver& observer)
Disables an observer from being called from notify_observers.
May be called from a notification override.
void clear_observers()
Removes all observers from the list.
size_type number_of_observers() const
Returns the number of observers currently in the list.
template <typename TNotification>
void notify_observers(TNotification data)
By default, the parameter is passed by as the actual data .
To pass by reference or rvalue reference, add the type as a template parameter.
notify_observers<const MyData&>(data);