A fixed capacity queue.
STL equivalent: std::queue
etl::queue<typename T,
const size_t SIZE,
const size_t MEMORY_MODEL = etl::memory_model::MEMORY_MODEL_LARGE>
Inherits from etl::iqueue<T>
etl::iqueue may be used as a size independent pointer or reference type for any etl::queue instance.
The memory model determines the type used internally for indexes and size, to allow for the most efficient
implementation for the application.
Maximum queue sizes:
MEMORY_MODEL_HUGE 9223372036854775807
Member types
value_type T
size_type <based on memory model>
pointer value_type*
const_pointer const value_type*
reference value_type&
const_reference const value_type&
rvalue_reference value_type&&
etl::queue<typename T, const size_t SIZE>();
Element access
T& front()
const T& front() const
Returns a reference or const reference to the first element.
T& back()
const T& back() const
Returns a reference or const reference to the last element.
bool empty() const
Returns true if the size of the queue is zero, otherwise false.
bool full() const
Returns true if the size of the queue is SIZE, otherwise false.
size_type size() const
Returns the size of the queue.
size_type available() const
Returns the remaining available capacity in the queue.
ETL_CONSTEXPR size_type max_size() const
Returns the maximum possible size of the queue.
ETL_CONSTEXPR size_type capacity() const
Returns the maximum possible size of the queue.
void push(const_reference value);
void push(rvalue_reference value);
Pushes a value to the back of the queue.
Emits an etl::queue_full if the queue is full and ETL_CHECK_PUSH_POP is defined. If asserts or exceptions are not
enabled then undefined behaviour occurs.
void emplace(const T1& value1);
void emplace(const T1& value1, const T2& value2);
void emplace(const T1& value1, const T2& value2, const T3& value3);
void emplace(const T1& value1, const T2& value2, const T3& value3, const T4& value4);
void emplace(Args&&… args);
Constructs an item in the the queue 'in place'.
C++03: Supports up to four constructor parameters.
Emits an etl::queue_full if the queue is full and ETL_CHECK_PUSH_POP is defined. If asserts or exceptions are not
enabled then undefined behaviour occurs.
void pop();
Pop a value from the front of the list.
Emits an etl::queue_empty if the queue is empty and ETL_CHECK_PUSH_POP is defined. Undefined behaviour if the
queue is empty.
void pop_into(TContainer& destination);
Pop a value from the front of the list and places it in destination.
Emits an etl::queue_empty if the queue is empty and ETL_CHECK_PUSH_POP is defined. Undefined behaviour if the
queue is empty.
void clear();
Clears the queue to a size of zero.