A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove
Reference Counted Message Pool

Allocates etl::ireference_counted_message types that are used by etl::shared_message.
Uses a supplied memory_block allocator derived from etl::imemory_block_allocator

Defines the following class.

Defines the following classes.

etl::reference_counted_message_pool<typename TCounter>


The interface for reference counted message pools.
virtual ~ireference_counted_message_pool() {}
virtual void release(const etl::ipool_message& msg) = 0;

Virtual lock() and unlock() functions are defined. The default action is to do nothing.
A derived class may override these functions to provide a thread or interrupt safe pool.
virtual void lock()
virtual void unlock()

The concrete reference counted message pool.

reference_counted_message_pool(imemory_block_allocator& memory_block_allocator)
Constructs the pool and assigns the memory block allocator to it.
template <typename TMessage>
etl::reference_counted_message<TMessage, TCounter>* allocate()
Returns a pointer to a pool message that holds a TMessage.
The message is default constructed.
ETL_ASSERT if one cannot be allocated and returns ETL_NULLPTR .
template <typename TMessage>
etl::reference_counted_message<TMessage, TCounter>* allocate(const TMessage& message)
Returns a pointer to a pool message that holds a TMessage.
ETL_ASSERT if one cannot be allocated and returns ETL_NULLPTR .
void release(const etl::ireference_counted_message& rcmessage)
Returns the reference counted to a pool message that holds a TMessage.
ETL_ASSERT if it cannot be released. Reasons can include the message not belonging to the pool.

The C++03 version defines the largest size and alignment of up to 8 types at a time.

template <typename TMessage1,              typename TMessage2  = TMessage1,
          typename TMessage3  = TMessage1, typename TMessage4  = TMessage1,
          typename TMessage5  = TMessage1, typename TMessage6  = TMessage1,
          typename TMessage7  = TMessage1, typename TMessage8  = TMessage1>
struct pool_message_parameters

static const size_t max_size;
The maximum size.

static const size_t max_alignment;
The maximum alignment.

C++11 or above
The C++11 version defines the largest size and alignment of a set of message types.
template <typename TMessage1, typename... TMessages>
struct pool_message_parameters

static constexpr size_t max_size
The maximum size.

static constexpr size_t max_alignment;
The maximum alignment.
For C++11, with atomic support.

template <typename TObject>
using atomic_counted_message_pool = etl::reference_counted_message_pool<etl::atomic_int32_t>;
Defines an alias to a reference counted message pool that uses an atomic.
