Adds successor traits to a derived class.
This template adds the ability for a class to store a successor to itself which allows the 'Chain of Responsibility' design
pattern to be implemented in a consistent fashion.
The successors do not have to be derived from etl::successor, but the member functions append_successor and
clear_successor_chain cannot be used if they are not.
etl::successor<typename T>
T The successor type
Member types
successor_type T
Constructs a default successor.
has_successor() will return false.
successor(successor_type& s)
Constructs a successor from the supplied parameter s.
has_successor() will return true.
Member functions
void set_successor(successor_type& s)
Sets the successor to s.
Overwrites any previous successor.
has_successor() will return true.
template <typename... TSuccessors>
void set_successor(successor_type& s, TSuccessors&... rest)
Sets a series of successors to s.
Overwrites any previous successor.
20.28.0, C++11
template <typename TSuccessor>
void append_successor(TSuccessor& s)
Appends the successor to the end of the successor chain.
Only valid to call if all successors are derived from etl::successor.
template <typename TSuccessor, typename... TSuccessors>
void append_successor(TSuccessor& s, TSuccessors&... rest)
Appends the list of successors to the end of the successor chain.
Only valid to call if all successors are derived from etl::successor.
20.28.0, C++11
successor_type& get_successor() const
Gets a reference to the successor.
Undefined behaviour if a successor has not been set.
bool has_successor() const
Returns true if a successor has been set.
void clear_successor()
Clears the successor.
has_successor() will return false.
void clear_successor_chain()
Clears the successor for every successor in the chain starting from this successor.
Only valid to call if all successors are derived from etl::successor.
Error types
successor_exception Derived from etl::exception
successor_invalid Derived from successor_exception
class IProcessor : public etl::successor<IProcessor>
virtual bool Check() = 0;
bool Process()
bool handled = false;
IProcessor* p = this;
while (handled == false)
handled = p->Check();
if (handled == false)
if (p->has_successor())
p = &(p->get_successor());
return handled;
class Processor1 : public IProcessor
bool Check() override
return false;
class Processor2 : public IProcessor
bool Check() override
return false;
class Processor3 : public IProcessor
bool Check() override
return false;
class Processor4 : public IProcessor
bool Check() override
return true;
Processor1 processor1a;
Processor1 processor1b;
Processor2 processor2a;
Processor2 processor2b;
Processor3 processor3;
Processor4 processor4;
processor1a.append_successor(processor2a, processor3);
processor1b.append_successor(processor2b, processor4);
bool b1a = processor1a.Process();
bool b1b = processor1b.Process();