A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove


Use etl::bit_stream_reader and etl::bit_stream_writer.

A binary streaming utility that allows boolean, integral and floating point values to be written and read from an array of
char or unsigned char using custom bits widths for efficient packing. Values are stored in the bit stream in network

Stored as 1 bit.

By default, stored using full bit width, otherwise uses the specified width.

Floating Point
Always stored using full bit width.
Be aware that floating point representation can change between platforms.
For example long double is 8 bytes for MS compilers and 12 for GCC.


Default constructor. No stream storage defined.
bit_stream(char* begin, char* end)
bit_stream(unsigned char* begin, unsigned char* end)

Construct from range.
bit_stream(char* begin, size_t length)
bit_stream(unsigned char* begin, size_t length)

Construct from begin and length.

void set_stream(char* begin, char* end)
void set_stream(unsigned char* begin, unsigned char* end)

Set stream from range.
void set_stream(char* begin, size_t length)
void set_stream(unsigned char* begin, size_t length)

Set stream from begin and length.

void restart()

Resets the bit stream indexes to the start.
bool at_end() const

Returns true if the bit stream indexes have reached the end of the stream.
size_t size() const

Returns the number of char used in the stream.
size_t bits() const

Returns the number of bits used in the stream.
const_iterator begin() const

Returns a const iterator to the first char in the stream.
const_iterator end() const

Returns a const iterator to one past the last char in the stream.
Put to stream

bool put(bool value)

Puts a boolean to the stream.
Returns true if the stream has enough remaining capacity to add the value.
template <typename T>
bool put(T value, uint_least8_t width = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T))

Puts an integral (up to 32 bits) to the stream. The actual bit width used can be specified.
Automatically selected by the compiler for integral types.
Returns true if the stream has enough remaining capacity to add the value.
bool put(int64_t value, uint_least8_t width = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int64_t))
bool put(uint64_t value, uint_least8_t width = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(uint64_t))

Puts a 64 bit integral to the stream.
Returns true if the stream has enough remaining capacity to add the value.
template <typename T>
bool put(T value)

Puts a floating point to the stream.
Automatically selected by the compiler for floating point types.
Returns true if the stream has enough remaining capacity to add the value.
Get from stream

bool get(bool& value)

Gets a boolean from the stream.
Returns true if the stream has enough remaining bits to get the value.
template <typename T>
bool get(T& value, uint_least8_t width = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T))

Gets an integral from the stream. The number of bits to use can be specified.
Automatically selected by the compiler for integral types.
Returns true if the stream has enough remaining bits to get the value.
template <typename T>
bool get(T& value)

Gets a floating point from the stream.
Automatically selected by the compiler for floating point types.
Returns true if the stream has enough remaining bits to get the value.

char c1           = 26;                // 6 bits
char c2           = -10;               // 7 bits
unsigned short s1 = 6742;              // 13 bits
unsigned short s2 = 1878;              // 11 bits
int32_t i1        = 2448037;           // 23 bits
int32_t i2        = -10836646;         // 25 bits
float f           = 3.1415927f;        // Possibly 32 bits
double d          = 3.1415927;         // Possibly 32 or 64 bits
long double ld    = 3.1414927L;        // Possibly 32, 64, 96 or 128 bits
int64_t ll        = 140737488355327LL; // 64 bits

std::array<unsigned char, 100> storage;

etl::bit_stream bit_stream(storage.data(), storage.size());

// Insert into the stream.
bit_stream.put(c1, 6);
bit_stream.put(s1, 13);
bit_stream.put(i1, 23);
bit_stream.put(i2, 25);
bit_stream.put(s2, 11);
bit_stream.put(c2, 7);
bit_stream.put(ll, 47);


// Read them all back.
bit_stream.get(c1, 6);
bit_stream.get(s1, 13);
bit_stream.get(i1, 23);
bit_stream.get(i2, 25);
bit_stream.get(s2, 11);
bit_stream.get(c2, 7);
bit_stream.get(ll, 47);