A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove

A binary streaming utility that allows values to be written to an array of char or unsigned char using custom bits widths
for efficient packing. Values may be streamed in either msb or lsb format.

Write functions come in both checked and unchecked forms.
Unchecked writes return void.
Checked writes assert that there is enough space to store the value, and return a bool indicating success or failure.

A callback delegate can be assigned that will be called with a span of filled bytes.
If the callback is used then the stream is reset to empty or the last unfilled byte after each callback. This allows a very
small buffer to be assigned.

Stored as 1 bit.

By default, stored using full bit width, otherwise uses the specified width.

Custom types
The user may create specializations of the non-member etl::write functions to stream custom types.
Specialisations must be defined in the etl namespace.

value_type              char
iterator                value_type*
const_iterator          const value_type*  
callback_parameter_type etl::span<value_type>
callback_type           etl::delegate<void(callback_parameter_type)>
Member functions

bit_stream_writer(etl::span<char> span, etl::endian stream_endianness, callback_type callback =
Construct from span.
A char span of the read buffer.
The endianness of the stream.
etl::endian::little or etl::endian::big
An optional callback.
bit_stream_writer(etl::span<unsigned char> span, etl::endian stream_endianness, callback_type callback =
Construct from span.
A char span of the read buffer.
The endianness of the stream.
etl::endian::little or etl::endian::big
An optional callback.
bit_stream_writer(void* begin, void* end, etl::endian stream_endianness, callback_type callback =
Construct from range.
A pointer to the beginning of the read buffer.
A pointer to the beginning of the read buffer.
The endianness of the stream.
etl::endian::little or etl::endian::big
An optional callback.
bit_stream_writer(void* begin, size_t length_chars, etl::endian stream_endianness, callback_type
callback = callback_type())
Construct from begin and length.
A pointer to the beginning of the read buffer.
The length, in char, of the read buffer.
The endianness of the stream.
etl::endian::little or etl::endian::big
void restart()
Sets the indexes back to the beginning of the stream.
size_t capacity_bytes() const
Returns the maximum capacity in bytes.
size_t capacity_bits() const
Returns the maximum capacity in bits.
bool empty() const
Returns true if the bitsteam indexes have been reset
bool full() const
Returns true if the bitsteam indexes have reached the end
void write_unchecked(bool value)
Writes a boolean to the stream.
bool write(bool value)
Writes a boolean to the stream.
template <typename T>
void write_unchecked(T value, uint_least8_t nbits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T))
Enabled for integral types.
template <typename T>
bool write(T value, uint_least8_t nbits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T))
Enabled for integral types.
bool skip(size_t nbits)
Skip forward in the stream by nbits.
If there are not enough bits remaining in the stream it assert an etl::bit_stream_overflow and return false.
size_t size_bytes() const
Returns the number of bytes used in the stream.
size_t size_bits() const
Returns the number of bits used in the stream.
template <size_t Nbits>
size_t available() const
The number of multiples of Nbits available in the stream.
Compile time.
template <typename T>
size_t available() const
The number of T available in the stream.
Compile time.
size_t available(size_t nbits) const
The number of 'bit width' available in the stream.
Run time.
size_t available_bits() const
The number of bits left in the stream.
iterator begin()
Returns start of the stream.
const_iterator begin() const
Returns start of the stream.
const_iterator cbegin() const
Returns start of the stream.
iterator end()
Returns end of the stream.
const_iterator end() const
Returns end of the stream.
const_iterator cend() const
Returns end of the stream.
etl::span<char> used_data()
Returns a span of the used portion of the stream.
etl::span<const char> used_data() const
Returns a span of the used portion of the stream.
etl::span<char> data()
Returns a span of whole the stream.
etl::span<const char> data() const
Returns a span of whole the stream.
void flush()
Flush the last byte, if partially filled, to the callback.
This is only required when a callback delegate has been set.
void set_callback(callback_type callback_)
Sets the delegate to call afer every write.
callback_type get_callback() const
Gets the function to call afer every write.
Non-member functions

void write_unchecked(etl::bit_stream_writer& stream, bool value)
Implementation of the write unchecked function.
For bool types only.

bool write(etl::bit_stream_writer& stream, bool value)
Implementation of the write function.
For bool types only.
template <typename T>
void write_unchecked(etl::bit_stream_writer& stream, const T& value, uint_least8_t nbits = CHAR_BIT *
  Default implementation of the write function.
  For integral types only (but not bool).
  Overload this to support custom types.

template <typename T>
bool write(etl::bit_stream_writer& stream, const T& value, uint_least8_t nbits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T))
Default implementation of the write function.
For integral types only (but not bool).
Overload this to support custom types.
By specialisation of the templates, the user may create writers for custom types.

char c           = 26;         // 6 bits
unsigned short s = 6742;       // 13 bits
int32_t i        = 2448037;    // 23 bits

struct CustomType
char c           = -10;       // 7 bits
unsigned short s = 1878;      // 11 bits
int32_t i        = -10836646; // 25 bits

namespace etl
  // Specialisation for Custom.
  // Must be defined in the etl namespace.
  template <>
  void write_unchecked<CustomType>(etl::bit_stream_reader& stream)
    stream.write_unchecked<char, 7U>();
    stream.write_unchecked<short , 11U>();
    stream.write_unchecked<int32_t, 25U>();

std::array<char, 100U> storage; // Assume the buffer gets filled with bit stream data.
etl::bit_stream_reader bit_stream(storage.data(), storage.size());

// Write unchecked values to the stream.
etl::write_unchecked<char>(bit_stream, 6U);
etl::write_unchecked<unsigned short>(bit_stream, 13U);
etl::write_unchecked<>(bit_stream, 23U);