A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove



etl::delegate is a type-safe, generic, and efficient delegate implementation. A delegate is essentially a type-safe function pointer. It can be used to encapsulate a callable unit (like a function, a function pointer, member function, or a callable object like a functor or a lambda function) and call it later.


The delegate functions may be defined at compile time and/or runtime, depending on the function type.

Most delegates can only be constructed via a create function, except lambdas and functors, which can be created by the delegate constructor.

This may be used to implement a platform abstraction layer that allows an embedded application to interface with multiple hardware platforms.


Here's a high-level overview of how etl::delegate works:


When you create a delegate, you specify the function signature that it should match. This is done using template parameters. For example, etl::delegate<void(int)> creates a delegate that can hold references to functions that take an integer as an argument and return void.


You can assign a function to the delegate using the create method. The function you assign must match the delegate's function signature. For example, if you have a delegate of type etl::delegate<void(int)>, you could assign a function void myFunction(int) to it like this:
auto myDelegate = etl::delegate<void(int)>::create<myFunction>();


Once a function has been assigned to the delegate, you can call that function through the delegate just like you would call a regular function. For example, if myDelegate is a delegate that holds a reference to myFunction, you could call myFunction through the delegate like this: myDelegate(123);



This class only supports >=C++11.

This class is automatically selects C++03 or C++11 versions based on the value of ETL_USING_CPP11

The C++03 variant only supports delegates taking 0 or 1 parameter.

etl::delegate is non-owning. You cannot use lambdas that capture variables that will have gone out of scope when the delegate is called. This would result in  dangling references. Lambdas are not copied; The delegate merely keeps pointers to lambdas. This also applies to functors.





For C++03




For the examples below, assume the following definitions.


class Test




  int member_function(int);

  static int member_static(int);

  int operator()(int);

  int operator()(int) const;



Test test;


int global(int);


auto lambda = [](int i){ return i; };


Run time construction



etl::delegate<int(int)> d(lambda);

etl::delegate<int(int)> d = lambda;

etl::delegate<int(int)> d = etl::delegate<int(int)>::create(lambda);





etl::delegate<int(int)> d(test);

etl::delegate<int(int)> d = test;

etl::delegate<int(int)> d = etl::delegate<int(int)>::create(test);




Member functions

etl::delegate<int(int)> d = etl::delegate<int(int)>::create<Test, &Test::member_function>(test);


d.set<Test, &Test::member_function>(test);

d.set<Test, test, &Test::member_function>();


Compile time construction


Global functions

auto d = etl::delegate<int(int)>::create<global>();


Member functions (if the instance is known at compile time)

auto d = etl::delegate<int(int)>::create<Test, test, &Test::member_function>();


Functors (if the instance is known at compile time)

auto d = etl::delegate<int(int)>::create<Test, test>();

auto d = etl::delegate<int(int)>::create<const Test, test>();

Note: These are disabled for GCC <= v8.1 as it generates an 'Internal Compiler Error'.


Static member functions

auto d = etl::delegate<int(int)>::create<Test::member_static>();




Most delegates can be declared as constexpr. (>=C++11 only)

static Test test;

constexpr auto d = etl::delegate<int(int)>::create<Test, test, &Test::member_function>();


All create functions are constexpr under C++14.

All create functions are [[nodiscard]] under C++17.


Calling the delegate


The delegate may be called as a function with the defined parameter signature.


etl::delegate<int(int)> d;


int r = d(3);




ETL_CONSTEXPR14 delegate()

Constructs an uninitialised delegate.


ETL_CONSTEXPR14 delegate(const delegate& other)

Copy constructs a delegate.


TReturn operator()(TParams... args) const

Executes the delegate.



bool call_if(TParams... args) const

For delegates returning void.

Calls the delegate if valid.

Returns true if valid, otherwise false.


etl::optional<TReturn> call_if(TParams... args) const

For delegates returning TReturn.

Calls the delegate if valid.

Returns a valid etl::optional<TReturn> containing the return value, if valid.



template <typename TAlternative>

TReturn call_or(TAlternative alternative, TParams... args) const

Calls the delegate if valid, otherwise calls alternative.


template <TReturn(*Method)(TParams...)>

TReturn call_or(TParams... args) const

Calls the delegate if valid, otherwise calls Method.


void clear()

Sets the delegate back to the uninitialised state.

ETL_NODISCARD ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool is_valid() const

ETL_CONSTEXPR14 operator bool() const

Returns true if the delegate has been initialised, otherwise false.


ETL_CONSTEXPR14 operator =()

Assigns from another delegate or lambda.


ETL_CONSTEXPR14 operator ==()

ETL_CONSTEXPR14 operator !=()

Compares delegates.

