A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove






A template class and four typedefs that allow a specification for string formatting functions and streams.
It defines specifications for strings, bool, integrals, floating point and pointers.
Used in conjunction with etl::to_string and string streams

The class stores the following specifications:
base           The number base. Predefined settings for binary, octal, decimal and hex.
width          The total minimum field width for the value's text representation.
precision      The total number of decimal places.
upper_case     If true then numerical digits for bases >10 are in upper case.
left_justified If true then the text representation is left justified with padding up to the field width on the right.
boolalpha      If true then Boolean values are rendered as "true" and "false".
showbase       If true then binary, octal and hex values are prefixed with the base tag.
fill           Determines the character used for the padding for width.

template <typename TString>
class basic_format_spec
The default constructor.
base           : 10
width          : 0
precision      : 0
upper case     : false
left justified : false
boolalpha      : false
show base
fill           : ' '
basic_format_spec& base(const uint32_t b)
Sets the base to b.
basic_format_spec& binary()
Sets the base to binary.
basic_format_spec& octal()
Sets the base to octal.
basic_format_spec& hex()
Sets the base to hexadecimal.
basic_format_spec& octal()
Sets the base to octal.
uint32_t get_base() const
Returns the current setting for base.
basic_format_spec& width(const uint32_t w)
Sets the width to w.
uint32_t get_width() const
Returns the current width value.
basic_format_spec& precision(const uint32_t p)
Sets the precision to p.
uint32_t get_precision() const
Returns the current precision value.
basic_format_spec& upper_case(const bool b)
Sets the upper case flag  to b.
Only affects numerical output such as hexadecimal.
bool is_upper_case() const
Returns true if the upper case flag is set.
basic_format_spec& show_base(const bool b)
Sets the showbase flag  to b.
Only affects binary and hexadecimal output.
bool is_show_base() const
Returns true if the showbase flag is set.
basic_format_spec& fill(const typename TString::value_type c)
Sets the fill character to c.
typename TString::value_type get_fill() const
Returns the fill character.
basic_format_spec& left()
Sets the left justified flag  to true.
bool is_left() const
Returns true if the left justified flag is set.
basic_format_spec& right()

Sets the left justified flag  to false.
bool is_right() const
Returns true if the left justified flag is clear.
basic_format_spec& boolalpha(bool b)
Sets the bool alpha flag  to b.
bool is_boolalpha() const
Returns true if the bool alpha flag is set.

typedef etl::basic_format_spec<etl::istring>    format_spec;
typedef etl::basic_format_spec<etl::iwstring>   wformat_spec;
typedef etl::basic_format_spec<etl::iu16string> u16format_spec;
typedef etl::basic_format_spec<etl::iu32string> u32format_spec;
Stream manipulators
These manipulators are used in conjunction with the ETL's string streams.
Streams may also use a format spec as a manipulator.

setbase(uint32_t base)
Sets the base for numerical output to base.
setw(uint32_t width)
Sets the format width to width.
template <typename TChar>
setfill(TChar fill)
Sets the fill character to fill.
setprecision(uint32_t precision)
Sets the number of decimal places to precision.
Sets the base for numerical output to binary.
Sets the base for numerical output to octal.
Sets the base for numerical output to decimal.
Sets the base for numerical output to hexadecimal.
Sets the alignment to left.
Sets the alignment to right.
Sets the boolalpha flag to true.
Sets the boolalpha flag to false.
Sets the uppercase flag to true.
Sets the uppercase flag to false.
Sets the showbase flag to true.
Sets the showbase flag to false.
Example (to_string)

etl::format_spec format;

// Format as a hex character, minimum fill width of 8, fill with zeros.

etl::string<8> text;

// 'text' is set to "00123456"
etl::to_string(1193046, text, format);

// Format minimum fill width of 8, fill with space and three decimal digits.
format.width(8).fill(' ').precision(3);

// 'text' is set to "   3.142"
etl::to_string(3.1415, text, format);
Example (string_stream)

etl::string<20> buffer;
etl::string_stream stream(buffer);

// Manipulators
stream << etl::showbase
       << etl::bin << 123456 << " "
       << etl::oct << 123456 << " "
       << etl::dec << 123456 << " "
       << etl::hex << 123456;

The generated string:-

0b11110001001000000 0361100 123456 0x1e240

// Format spec
etl::format_spec format;

stream << format << 123456;

The generated string:-

