A C++ template library for embedded applications
MIT licensed
Designed and
maintained by
John Wellbelove


The library defines a set of string templates that have been specially tailored for embedded systems.
They have a maximum capacity fixed at compile time and make no calls to malloc/free or  new/delete.
They are completely deterministic.
The ETL provides etl::string, etl::wstring, etl::u16string and etl::u32string.
String View

The ETL defines string view classes that provide a lost cost view into a string.
The ETL provides etl::string_view, etl::wstring_view, etl::u16string_view and etl::u32string_view.
To String

The ETL defines a utility to create strings according to a format.
The ETL provides etl::to_string, etl::to_wstring, etl::to_u16string and etl::to_u32string.
To Arithmetic

The ETL defines a utility to convert strings to values.
String Stream

The ETL defines string stream  classes that stream values into a string.
The ETL provides etl::string_stream, etl::wstring_stream, etl::u16string_stream
and etl::u32string_stream.
String Utilities

The ETL provides a set of string to examine and manipulate strings.
Format Specification

A class is defined to format the output of etl::to_string, etl::to_wstring, etl::to_u16string and